Student Survey Sample Questions
Below you’ll find a selection of sample questions from each of the thematic sections comprising the Stanford Survey of Adolescent School Experiences.
Academic Worry
- How often does the amount of schoolwork you have keep you from getting enough sleep?
- How often do you worry about school assignments?
- How much do you worry about getting into the college of your choice?
Homework and Extracurriculars
- On a typical weekday, how many hours do you spend on homework (do not include time spent taking taking breaks, texting, using the computer for non-academic work, etc.)?
- In how many of your classes does the assigned homework help you learn the material?
- During a typical week, from Monday through Friday, how many hours do you spend participating in extracurricular activities? (Do not include hours spent doing jobs or paid work.)
- What is the main reason you participate in extracurricular activities (Please select one answer):
- My parents want me to
- It looks good on college applications
- I enjoy the activities
- I can hang out with my friends
- I can learn new things
- Other (please specify)
Mental and Physical Health
- How much sleep do you typically get on a weeknight? On weekends?
- How much sleep do your peers typically get on a weeknight?
- Where do you typically keep your phone when you go to sleep at night?
- To what extent are you confident in your ability to cope with stress?
- In the past month, how often have you experienced exhaustion? Difficulty sleeping? Headaches?
Student Engagement
- How often do you try as hard as you can in school?
- How often do you enjoy your schoolwork?
- How often do you find your schoolwork valuable?
Teacher Care and Support
Belonging at School
- I feel like I belong at this school.
- I feel that other students at this school like me the way that I am.
Academic Integrity
- During the past school year, how often have you engaged in any of the following actions?
- Working on an assignment with others (peers, parents, etc.) when the instructor asked for individual work
- Getting questions or answers from someone who has already taken the test.
- Using a false or forged excuse to obtain an extension on a due date or delay taking an exam.
Parent Goals and Expectations
- How important is it to your parents/guardians that your schoolwork challenges you to think?
- How much do your parents/guardians worry about you getting a bad grade in school?