
Annual Reports

Dear Community Partners,

Our annual report provides an opportunity to share how in partnership with you — our schools, families, and communities — we are promoting a broad definition of success and implementing research-based strategies so that all kids are healthy and engaged with learning. By all measures, 2017 was an exceptional year. We set the stage and built the infrastructure to achieve a significant trajectory of growth and greater impact. Together with you, we have thoughtfully invested in three strategic priorities: geographic expansion, deeper research and evaluation, and a financial assistance fund to support those schools that might not otherwise be able to access our program.

Highlights include:

  • Hiring a School Program Director to oversee our newly established North East region. This dedicated resource allows us to more effectively serve the schools, families, and communities with whom we partner in the region, as well as provide higher touch support as we expand into the East.  
  • Instituting our first ever Summer Leadership Seminar as a professional development opportunity for school leaders across the nation. Educators gather together to learn new strategies that promote student health and well-being, network with other leaders, and hear more about our program and services. 
  • Receiving a research grant to fund the development of a Parent Survey. This new offering will serve as a companion to our Student Survey — The Stanford Survey of Adolescent Experiences — administered to over 120K students to date.  
  • Awarding financial assistance to provide access to our programs for schools that demonstrate financial need.

While there is much more to share, including the addition of new staff to our team, suffice it to say we are busy expanding and supporting our mission!

Finally, as a result of growing participation in both our program and development initiatives, we doubled our budgeted projections for 2017 and crossed the $1M revenue milestone. Challenge Success is ready to springboard into next year with an even greater ability to deliver research-based solutions that support healthy, engaged kids and strong schools.

We are grateful for your support, and look forward to an equally exciting 2018!

With appreciation,

Charlene Margot Kathy Koo
Board Chair Executive Director