Updated March 2019
The Challenge Success-Stanford Surveys of School Experiences¹ are designed to help schools make data-driven decisions that improve student well-being and engagement with learning. We now offer two complementary surveys – a Student Survey and a Parent Survey. Our surveys were developed by Stanford University researchers and are overseen by Stanford’s Administrative Panels for the Protection of Human Subjects.
Over 170,000 middle and high school students from more than 200 schools have taken the Student Survey since 2007. We developed the Parent Survey in 2018 based on feedback from our school partners. Gathering perspectives from multiple stakeholders provides schools and the broader community with a rich understanding of their students. See here for a comparison of the categories covered in both the Student and Parent surveys.
To inquire about bringing a Challenge Success Survey to your school community, please fill out this form.
The Challenge Success Student Survey¹ is a 30-40 minute online survey for middle and high school students that measures perceptions of their academic engagement, connection to the school community, physical health and well-being, technology use, family norms, and how they use their time outside of school.
Explore sample questions and FAQ.
The Student Survey package includes:
Cost: $6,000**
Challenge Success offers limited financial assistance based on need. Click here to apply.
The Challenge Success Parent Survey (launched in Winter 2019) is a 20 minute online survey for parents of middle and high school students that measures perceptions of their children’s academic engagement, connection to the school community, physical health and well-being, technology use, how they use their time outside of school, as well as family norms.
Explore sample questions and FAQ.
The Parent Survey package includes:
Cost: $4,000**
Challenge Success offers limited financial assistance based on need. Click here to apply.
*Schools may select either the middle school or high school version of the Student and Parent Surveys. For schools interested in data at both the middle and high school levels, separate surveys must be purchased.
** The Student Survey is included in our Comprehensive School Program package for 2018-19. Both the Student and Parent Surveys will be available as part of the comprehensive package starting in 2019-2020. Pricing for any additional data analyses or consultation will be determined based on specific requests.
¹The Challenge Success-Stanford Surveys of School Experiences: Student Version was formerly called the Stanford Survey of Adolescent School Experiences